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This docs trying to explain the behavior of Pack

This section explain how jsonnet appears Pack, more complex situation than scenario-9

alt text

Above diagram shows the dependency chain. Here,

  • test-10 depend on repository kube-a (branch test-10).
  • kube-a depends on repository kube-b (branch test-10). Also, contains a jsonnet file.
  • kube-b depends on repository kube-c (branch test-10). Also, contains a patch of yaml file from kube-a repository. This yaml is generated from jsonnet file.
  • kube-c depend on nothing.

See dependency-list.yaml file below:

    $ cat dependency-list.yaml

    - package:
      branch: test-10

Get Dependencies

$ pack dep -f . command gets all the dependencies and place it under manifests/vendor folder. In this scenario, following things happen:

  • kube-b repository contains patch of jsonnet file’s yaml, so kube-c’s jsonnet will be yaml. This yaml is combination of jsonnet’s yaml and this yaml’s patch which exists in kube-b repository.
  • kube-a contains a jsonnet file. In manifests/vendor folder, this jsonnet file will be converted into yaml file.

Now, $ pack up -f . command will generate the final output in manifests/output folder.

    $ tree manifests/output/

        └── kubepack
            ├── kube-a
            │   └── manifests
            │       └── app
            │           ├── foocorp-shard.jsonnet
            │           ├── nginx-deployment.yaml
            │           └── nginx-dm.yaml
            ├── kube-b
            │   └── manifests
            │       └── app
            │           ├── nginx-deployment.yaml
            │           └── nginx-dm.yaml
            └── kube-c
                └── manifests
                    └── app
                        ├── foocorp-shard.jsonnet
                        ├── nginx-deployment.yaml
                        └── nginx-dm.yaml

    11 directories, 8 files

Next Steps

  • Want to publish apps using Kubepack? Please visit here.
  • Want to consume apps published using Kubepack? Please visit here.
  • To learn about dependency-list.yaml file, please visit here.
  • Learn more about pack cli from here.

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