New to Kubepack? Please start here.

Using Kubepack as an App User

How To Use

If you want to use others application with pack, then follow below instruction:

  1. Create a git repository.
  2. Create dependency-list.yaml file in the repository. See dependency-list.yaml doc.
  3. Add all the dependencies under dependencies in dependency-list.yaml file.
  4. Run pack dep -f . -v 10 to get all the dependencies in manifests/vendor folder.
  5. Run pack edit -f . -p <filepath>, if you want to change some file from manifests/vendor folder. This command will generate a patch under manifests/patch folder. manifests/vendor will be unchanged.
  6. Run pack up -f . to combine manifests/patch and manifests/vendor folder files. And final combination will be under manifests/output folder.
  7. Now, all is need to do kubectl apply -R -f manifests/output/. Then, your desired application will be deployed in kubernetes cluster.


In this example, you’ll see how to deploy AppsCode kubed in minikube using Pack.

In this example, we’re using this test-case.

Below command show the dependency-list.yaml file.

$ cat dependency-list.yaml

- package:
  branch: master

dependency-list.yaml file contain test-kubed as dependencies. test-kubed contains all the necessary yaml file needs to deploy kubed in minikube cluster.

Now, pack dep -f . command will pull all the dependencies and place it in manifests/vendor folder. If test-kubed repository also depend on some other repository then pack will get that too.

  $ pack dep -f .
  $ tree manifests/vendor/
      └── kubepack
          └── test-kubed
              ├── manifests
              │   └── app
              │       ├── deployment.yaml
              │       ├── kubed-config.yaml
              │       └── service.yaml
              └── dependency-list.yaml
  5 directories, 4 files

Now, all the dependencies in place. Now, we can edit manifests/vendor and this will generate patch.

We’re want to change kubed-config.yaml file, which is a secret yaml file.

    $ cat manifests/vendor/
    apiVersion: v1
      config.yaml: 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
    kind: Secret
      creationTimestamp: null
        app: kubed
      name: kubed-config
      namespace: kube-system

We’ll change config.yaml under data field. config.yaml value will be YXBpU2VydmVyOgogIGFkZHJlc3M6IDo4MDgwCiAgZW5hYmxlUmV2ZXJzZUluZGV4OiB0cnVlCiAgZW5hYmxlU2VhcmNoSW5kZXg6IHRydWUKY2x1c3Rlck5hbWU6IHVuaWNvcm4KZW5hYmxlQ29uZmlnU3luY2VyOiB0cnVlCg==

$ pack edit -s manifests/vendor/

Above command will open file in editor. Then, change config.yaml to above value. This will generate a patch in manifests/patch folder.

Below $ pack up -f . command will combine manifests/patch and manifests/vendor folder files and dump in manifests/output folder.

 $ pack up -f .
 $ kubectl apply -R -f manifests/output/

$ kubectl apply -R -f manifests/output/ command will deploy kubed in minikube cluster.

Next Steps

  • Take a look at how Kubepack handles various scenarios here.
  • Want to publish apps using Kubepack? Please visit here.
  • To learn about dependency-list.yaml file, please visit here.
  • Learn more about pack cli from here.

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